Welcome to Clacton Classic Car Club
Clacton Classic Car Club was formed in 2005 and provides an interesting calendar throughout the year for all its members. We are a multi marque classic car club for the enthusiast who also enjoys the company of like-minded friendly classic car owners. The club actively promotes events that provide interest to its members and partners too, including regular shows, social meets, club runs, dinning out, quiz nights and various outings. If you drive a vintage, classic or modern classic no newer than 2001 old style registration why not give us a look and join in the fun.

We host two well regarded shows each year which are now a firm favourite in the classic car show calendar and are attended by enthusiasts from Essex, Suffolk and Norfolk, exhibiting between 500 and 600 classics at each show.
(Our latest show information can be found on the News page)
New members are always welcome, the only pre-requisite is an interest in classic vehicles. Just pop along to one of our informal monthly meetings and join us for a drink and a chat. We look forward to meeting you.

(Our meetings are held on the last Wednesday of the month at the Kings Arms, Main Road, Frating, Essex, CO7 7DJ. 7.30 for 8pm)
We all like a bacon roll and a cuppa so we have teamed up with the Kings Arms, Frating to host the now very popular open breakfast meets, everyone is welcome so pop along for some friendly chit chat and banter. (Breakfast meet dates are always posted on our social media page)

As a club we like to help others and with proceeds from our shows have made donations to various worthy charities over the years such as, The Mersea community First Responders, The Robin Cancer trust, The Fifth Clacton Scouts, The Don Thomson care home, The Lads needs Dads, The Clacton RNLI, The Sailship learning for life and The Copdock community primary School to name but a few.

We also like to help towards preserving our local history, the Clacton Queen and the Clacton Coastal Express both of which are currently undergoing restoration have benefited from club donations.
No restoration needed on this superb display of classics at our Plough Corner show.

The club is a member of the Federation of British Historic Vehicles Clubs (FBHVC)
We also have an active social media presence on Facebook.
Privacy Policy. Clacton Classic Car Club is a non-profit club for the enjoyment of classic vehicles. All members are entitled to their privacy. Therefore, no personal details will be submitted to any third party without the written consent of the club and its members.